• May


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Best lighting options for suspended ceilings

Best lighting options for suspended ceilings

If you are considering having a suspended ceiling installed, you may be wondering what different lighting options are available to you. One of the main benefits of suspended ceilings is that they are very versatile and are compatible with numerous lighting options. Below we explore 3 of the most popular lighting options for suspended ceilings Bristol based.

1. Recessed lighting

Recessed lighting is a popular choice for businesses that want discreet yet functional lighting. You may need to install support bars within your suspended ceiling to support the recessed lighting. Recessed lighting fits securely and snugly in a suspended ceiling, and often LED or halogen bulbs are favoured because they produce a low level of heat.

2. Fluorescent light fixtures

If you need a lot of light underneath your suspended ceiling, you may wish to consider a fluorescent light fixture. Fluorescent light fixtures provide a solid beam of light and can complement an industrial aesthetic. If you like the style of fluorescence lighting but are worried it will be too bright, you may wish to consider adding a light diffuser.

3. Mounted lights

Mounted lighting can either be installed flush with your ceiling or can hang slightly below it. You may also wish to include mounted lighting on your walls if you want light sources from multiple angles. Hanging mounted lights below your ceiling can look very stylish and modern.

Contact SLP Interiors

If you’d like to learn more about suspended ceilings Gloucester businesses love, do not hesitate to contact SLP Interiors. We can answer any questions you have about the installation process and help you determine which lighting fixtures are right for your needs. To learn more about our services, get in touch today.


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  • Led Lights
    May 26, 2023, 8:54 am REPLY

    Great article on exploring the best lighting options for suspended ceilings. It’s important to choose the right lighting solution to create a comfortable and well-lit space. Glad to read this.