• March


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    How safe are suspended ceilings?

    How safe are suspended ceilings?

    When installing any new structural feature, safety is essential — especially in commercial spaces where you need to adhere to health and safety standards. Suspended ceilings (also known as false ceilings or drop ceilings) can be a fantastic addition to any office, retail space, or other public building. But how safe are they?  Read on

    • March


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    Is it time you considered suspended ceilings?

    Is it time you considered suspended ceilings?

    Your office is more than just a place where you go to work each day. It’s a reflection of your business, and it’s a place where you and your employees spend a significant amount of time. Which is why it may be worth giving your workspace a suspended ceiling upgrade. Wondering if this is the

    • January


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    2023 Trends in Suspended Ceilings

    2023 Trends in Suspended Ceilings

    In the construction and interior design industries, suspended ceilings are fast becoming one of the most respected alternatives to a traditional ceiling. This is largely in part thanks to their versatility, both in design and usage, and aesthetics and style. 2023 is proving to introduce some interesting and diverse trends in suspended ceilings; here are

    • January


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    The Benefits of Suspended Ceilings In a Home

    The Benefits of Suspended Ceilings In a Home

    Suspended ceilings provide a range of aesthetic and functional benefits. Let’s take a look at the specific advantages false ceilings can bring to the home, office, and other buildings. If you’re keen to kickstart your suspended ceiling installation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at SLP today. False ceilings in the home

    • August


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    What Is The Purpose Of A Suspended Ceiling?

    What Is The Purpose Of A Suspended Ceiling?

    Suspended ceilings are a fantastic way to remodel your interior space. Maybe you want to disguise damaged ceilings or hide pipes and ductwork. Or you could be looking for a modern and eye-catching finish – a false ceiling makes a full-on design statement in its own right.  If you’re interested in what suspended ceilings can

    • February


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    Material Choices For The Best Suspended Ceiling

    Material Choices For The Best Suspended Ceiling

    Suspended ceilings are available in a range of materials, offering versatility and functionality for various spaces. Whether you’re renovating your home, designing a retail store, or revamping your office, selecting the right material is essential. Wondering which to go for? Read on for our comprehensive guide, designed to help you make the ideal material choice